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Author: Subject: OOfficial Discussion Thread for: RAW (July 3, 2017)

Rocco Rock of Jabroni
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posted on 7-4-2017 at 03:27 AM
House o' Horrors: Desert Edition? OO Forums - powered by XMB (9) You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know,that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me sh*te and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, butI'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling

Il Palazzo

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posted on 7-4-2017 at 03:28 AM
Wyatt and Rollins in a Death Valley Death Match, with Michael Berryman as the guest referee. You did it, Nibbles. Now chew through my ball sack.

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Count Zero

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posted on 7-4-2017 at 03:33 AM
Line of the Night Via PVR Delay:

-- Dean Ambrose on commentary.

"It's a WWE tradition, to do something un-right." --Paddlefoot


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 03:37 AM
GodOO Forums - powered by XMB (40)it, Matt on commentary keeps blade running just to the safe side of full on using BrokenMatt-isms. Get it figured out, WWE. OO Forums - powered by XMB (41) "Well, life's a bitch n' then you marry one. Alls you know now is you're goin' into the bar tonight to get just f*ckin'interplanetary." - Wayne (Letterkenny)

"This is the water and this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes, dark within." The Woodsman


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 03:52 AM
How hard is it just to tweak Matt Hardy V1-ah into something resembling Broken Matt? Hell, WWE did that first, so they just need to call it V2(-ah)and not print t-shirts with the words "delete" or "obsolete". The regular Hardys sucked. I remember that now. "The Seahawks are cool. Me and Tubby here hung out with them once at a Bruno Mars concert."-Jay and Silent Bob representing the Broncos on FOX NFLSunday.


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 03:57 AM
Please let it be Enzo in the ambulance. OO Forums - powered by XMB (64)

[Edited on 7/4/2017 by Paddlefoot]

You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know,that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me sh*te and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, butI'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling

Il Palazzo

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posted on 7-4-2017 at 04:01 AM
UH OH. Hopefully Booker's flub doesn't Rocky IV Crews.

Edit: That was a biiiiiiit awesome.

[Edited on 7-4-2017 by Il Palazzo]

You did it, Nibbles. Now chew through my ball sack.

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posted on 7-4-2017 at 04:04 AM
Now that kick was pretty damn cool. You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know,that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me sh*te and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, butI'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 04:40 AM
Braun's double booting of Crews on that attempted standing moonsault is not necessarily a display of great skill or anything, but f*ck all if itdidn't get me off my chair and giving a Reaction Shot that would make Kevin Dunn wet.

Wyatt and Rollins still seemed doomed to the be "semi-main-event" match on Sunday that draws crickets. But the flip side of that is the Iron Man TagTitle Match, which should be awesome, and which gave us a freaking amazing free TV match tonight (Cesaro vs. Balor was really, really, reallygood).

As far as the other PPV matches go, the rest seemed more or less a push. Joe/Lesnar in a backstage/via satellite deal was lame, and they realized it,so they at least did a pull-apart; still not good enough, because if you can't do it in front of the live audience, it feels cheap...... Sashawonderwomaning that 1-on-2 was nice, but do any of us really think she's winning on Sunday?.... Enzo cut a really great promo and all, butthere's a disconnect there, where I -- as a fan -- LIKE Enzo, but I know Cass is right about being "The Money," so even if I root for Enzo, Iknow that him winning is the wrong play in the long run..... Balor/Sampson, Goldust/Truth, CW Title, nothing else really even moved the needle atall....

I guess maybe I did like the whole mid-show interlude with Miz/Ambrose/Slater more than I should have. Man alive, Slater had a couple moments therewhere he didn't seem an implausible IC Champ (Ambrose was actually quite helpful on commentary, as far as that goes, too).... but at the end ofthe day, the story told is that the Miztourage gets sh*t done, and so I still think Ambrose's days as a contender are waning.

Part of me also feels annoyed that they already just let the "jilted Maryse" thing quietly go away, effective tonight. She was on pace to nail aperfect Melania sort of deal (swatting Miz away at every turn, but putting up with it all for Reasons), but now, they're back to beingRAW's version of Mike and Maria. Whee?

But speaking of that.... as far as Hilarious Out of Context Line of the Night goes, I'll see your pilgrimage, and raise you "There will be nokissing later tonight, when Brock Lesnar and Samoa Joe are here live for a Special Interview."


First 9

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posted on 7-4-2017 at 05:50 AM
I like the character trait of Lesnar being unreasonably vicious with anybody who just happens to be booked against him but with the guy who'scheapshotted him and assaulted his manager, he's just calm and amused. He just doesn't want to give the Joe the satisfaction.

Also as a lame as the backstage pull apart was, Joe getting pops for just taking off his mic backstage makes me so happy as a decade plus Joe fan.

EDIT:Also, I know TNA references are a big no-no but Joe ranting about guys he's beaten was the perfect chance to reference the Joe vs Anglerivalry.

[Edited on 7-4-2017 by First 9]


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 06:03 AM
Positives far outweighed the negatives this week. Maybe they "lost" the key and the catamite was stuck locked in his box and couldn'tencourage Vince to be overly stupid. Good stuff:

1) "Cass-hole"
2) 4-star Balor/Cesaro match, with it being unfortunate that some great Hardy commentary was actually a distraction from the ring
3) Slater's slam off the top rope - Jesus! OO Forums - powered by XMB (114)
4) Strowman's boots to Crews' mid-air attack
5) Joe's insane intensity
6) Miz's pants splitting
7) Bo and Axel actually being fairly effective as goons instead of just joke material they way these things are usually played out

Just thought for a minute that when Rhyno was charging around the ringside that Maryse was very lucky he didn't mistake her for Lori Fullington.OO Forums - powered by XMB (115)

[Edited on 7/4/2017 by Paddlefoot]

You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know,that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me sh*te and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, butI'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling

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posted on 7-4-2017 at 07:04 AM
quote:Originally posted by Paddlefoot
Now that kick was pretty damn cool.
It was so cool that, and I don't mean this as an insult but more of a "holy sh*t I wish Iwould've seen this before", I can't believe nobody's done it before because it is JUST THAT GODOO Forums - powered by XMB (126) COOL.

Like, people who watch the indies way more than me: Is this a spot that somebody in the E lifted from (for example) Chuck Taylor/Somebody? Or didthey actually bust out a godOO Forums - powered by XMB (127) almost-brand-new-monster-bigman-spot in the year 2017? OO Forums - powered by XMB (128)

"It's a WWE tradition, to do something un-right." --Paddlefoot


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 07:16 AM
I believe that Strowman has the potential to be the best "big man" of all time in pro wrestling. Some of his uncanny agility and the ability to pulloff neat little spots like that are proving it as he goes along. Some of the stuff he's doing is bordering on what BamBam Bigelow and MikeAwesome used to be able to do. You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know,that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me sh*te and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, butI'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 07:24 AM
Aboot 1:30 in. Gol-f*cking-ly! OO Forums - powered by XMB (150)

ETA: Also, is it okay to say that in that gif I can't tell if that's Apollo Crews or Bobby Lashley? OO Forums - powered by XMB (151)

[Edited on 7-4-2017 by janerd75]

"Well, life's a bitch n' then you marry one. Alls you know now is you're goin' into the bar tonight to get just f*ckin'interplanetary." - Wayne (Letterkenny)

"This is the water and this is the well. Drink full and descend. The horse is the white of the eyes, dark within." The Woodsman


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 07:39 AM
Do one next for Slater's slam off the top because that one deserves to be immortalized too. It's amazing how much fun this product canactually be when they allow the neat and important things to happen inside the ring during a match instead of sabotaging their own product with abunch of ridiculous and insulting crap (like they've been doing for the previous three weeks or more). You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know,that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me sh*te and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, butI'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling

First 9

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posted on 7-4-2017 at 07:46 AM
I think Joe did something similar in his X Division days but agreed wholeheartdely on this being a major holysh*t! spot.

Pad nailed it with the Bam Bam comparison.The natural ability and freakish agility is right there with him, the only difference is that Braun barelyhas half a decade(maybe less?) as a wrestler. But if WWE is in it for the long haul, big things are coming.

Also, I love how the biggest thorn in Reigns side is a guy with a much more awesome ''roar''.

[Edited on 7-4-2017 by First 9]


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posted on 7-4-2017 at 08:00 AM
quote:Originally posted by LoveMuscle
I just realized how much Enzo looks and sounds like Diamond Dallas Page.

In NXT, Regal used to joke on commentary about whether he was DDP's love child.

That and he called him an "overcaffeinated ferret".

RIP My Friend Mark, 1991-2016

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posted on 7-4-2017 at 08:32 AM
Graves called him "a rat on Ritalin" once too, which was both hilarious and accurate. You know, everyone says it's not supposed to make sense, like that's the whole point, dude. And I'm just saying, you know,that's like an excuse for lazy storytelling. Just don't sell me sh*te and tell me it's gold, all right? I might be stoned, butI'm not high. You know what I mean?
- Cassidy from Preacher, commenting on The Big Lebowski and/or professional wrestling


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posted on 7-5-2017 at 02:02 AM
I actually loved the Joe/Lesnar segment, but I also thought it made Lesnar look kind of like a chump while Joe looked badass. Joe's calling youout, has humiliated you week after week and you just let the security guys hold him back while you hang out with Heyman in a safe room? I'm sureLesnar goes over on Sunday, but he doesn't deserve to from the way he's looked in this feud.

Speaking of feuds - honestly, I think Braun/Roman might be feud of the year at this point? I mean, we're about halfway through and I don'tknow what else tops it, at least in WWE. It's produced so many great segments this year and a few killer matches.

"It is an impressively arrogant move to conclude that just because you don't like something, it is empirically not good. I don't likeChinese food, but I don't write articles trying to prove it doesn't exist." - Tina Fey

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posted on 7-5-2017 at 09:50 PM
Agreed but I hope Lesnar/Joe moves up to take the spot.

I know I enjoy things more than most just now but that was a great show. Slater/Miz was match of the night for me, just a perfect example of wrestlingtoday.

I genuinely havent looked forward to a main event this much since WM 6. I am a long time Joe mark, and I really hope this is just the beginning of along slow burn feud with Lesnar.

I'm hoping they book it a bit like the Joe/Balor match at NXT Dallas where Joe got busted open and got pissed that the officials kept steppingin and breaking his momentum. Great way for Lesnar to win and stay a co*cky prick but Joe still look like a legitimate threat in future. These twodon't need the belt to be the main event.

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