Provider Directory Directorio de proveedores · 2020. 9. 4. · Amerigroup Texas, Inc. Provider Directory Directorio de proveedores. Harris Service Area Zona de servicio de Harris - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • Harris Service Area Harris, Austin, Brazoria, Fort Bend,Galveston,Matagorda, Montgomery, Waller, and Wharton Counties

    Provider Directory Directorio de proveedores

    Sirviendo con orgullo a Texas durante mas

    de 20 aftos

    Proudly serving Texas for more than 20 years

    Amerigroup Texas, Inc.

    Call toll-free/ Llame a la línea gratuita

    1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) HA7NC-0121TX-PD-0386-18

  • Steps to enroll Pasos para inscribirse To choose a health planby phone, call Para elegir un plan de salud por teléfono,1-800-964-2777. llame al 1-800-964-2777.

    To learn more about CHIP, call 2-1-1.

    1. Pick a health plan and primary care provider.

    2. Sign the enrollment form.

    3. Return the enrollment form by the due date.

    4. If you have an enrollment fee, pay it by the due date.

    To find out which pharmacies are in the Amerigroup network, callus at 1-800-600-4441 or look on our website

    To learn more about the pharmacies, hospitals, specialists, andother providers in the Amerigroup network, you can call us at1-800-600-4441 or on our website at for acomprehensive online provider directory.

    Para aprender más acerca de CHIP, llame al 2-1-1.

    1. Escoja un plan de salud y proveedor de cuidado primario.

    2. Firme el formulario de inscripción.

    3. Devuelva el formulario de inscripción antes de la fechalímite.

    4. Si tiene un cargo por inscripción, páguelo antes de la fechalímite.

    Para averiguar cuáles farmacias están en la red de Amerigroup,llámenos al 1-800-600-4441 o busque en nuestro sitio web

    Para saber más acerca de las farmacias, los hospitales, losespecialistas y otros proveedores de la red de Amerigroup, puedellamarnos al 1-800-600-4441 o buscar en nuestro sitio web para ver un directorio integral deproveedores en línea.

    Nhận trợ giúp bằng tiếng Việt


    Important phone numbers/Números telefónicos importantes

    ■ Member Services/Servicios al Miembro/24-hour Nurse HelpLine1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711)

    ■ CHIP/Children’s Medicaid call center/ 1-800-964-2777 Centro dellamadas de CHIP/Children’s Medicaid

  • Amerigroup Texas, Inc.

    Provider Directory Directorio de proveedores

    Harris Service Area Zona de servicio de Harris

    Harris, Austin, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston, Matagorda,Montgomery, Waller, and Wharton Counties


    Call toll-free/ Llame a la línea gratuita 1-800-600-4441 (TTY711)


  • To choose a health plan by phone, call 1-800-964-2777. To learnmore about CHIP, call 2-1-1.

    Steps to enroll 1. Pick a health plan and primary care

    provider. 2. Sign the enrollment form. 3. Return the enrollmentform by the due

    date. 4. If you have an enrollment fee, pay it by

    the due date.

    To find out which pharmacies are in the Amerigroup network, callus at 1-800-600-4441 or look on our website

    To learn more about the pharmacies, hospitals, specialists, andother providers in the Amerigroup network, you can call us at1-800-600-4441 or on our website at for acomprehensive online provider directory.

    Your regular CHIP benefits include: • Care from a primary careprovider you

    choose • Prescriptions • Hospitalizations • Specialist referrals• Immunizations • Well-child checkups • Allergy testing • Andmore

    Para elegir un plan de salud por teléfono, llame al1-800-964-2777. Para aprender más acerca de CHIP, llame al2-1-1.

    Pasos para inscribirse 5. Escoja un plan de salud y proveedorde

    cuidado primario. 6. Firme el formulario de inscripción. 7.Devuelva el formulario de inscripción

    antes de la fecha límite. 8. Si tiene un cargo porinscripción,

    páguelo antes de la fecha límite.

    Para averiguar cuáles farmacias están en la red de Amerigroup,llámenos al 1-800-600-4441 o busque en nuestro sitio web

    Para saber más acerca de las farmacias, los hospitales, losespecialistas y otros proveedores de la red de Amerigroup, puedellamarnos al 1-800-600-4441 o buscar en nuestro sitio web para ver un directorio integral deproveedores en línea.

    Sus beneficios regulares de CHIP incluyen: • Cuidado de unproveedor de cuidado

    primario de su elección • Recetas • Hospitalizaciones •Referidos a especialistas • Inmunizaciones • Chequeos de niño sano• Pruebas de alergias • Y más

    Important phone numbers/Números telefónicos importantes • MemberServices/Servicios al Miembro/

    24-hour Nurse HelpLine 1-800-600-4441 • TDD/TTY 711 •CHIP/Children’s Medicaid call

    center/Centro de llamadas de CHIP/Children’s Medicaid


  • Houston CHIP Provider Directory / Houston CHIP Directorio deProveedores

    Table of Contents / Tabla de Contenido

    PAGE Important Information About Your Amerigroup Health Plan............................................... 1 Informaciónimportante sobre el plan de salud de Amerigroup.......................................... 2 Symbols Index....................................................................................................................3 Índice de símbolos..............................................................................................................5 Hospitals / Hospitales........................................................................................................7 Community Health Centers / Centros médicos comunitarios............................................. 8 School BasedClinics / La escuela basó clinicas................................................................ 9Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario.............................................. 10 Description ofPhysician Specialties/Descripción de especialidades de medico............... 197 Specialists / Especialistas..................................................................................................199 Behavioral Health & Substance Abuse / Servicios de saludmental y abuso de substancias.........................................................................................................................263 Dental Services/Servicios dentales....................................................................................277 Vision Services/Servicios de la vista..................................................................................277 Ancillary Providers/Proveedores auxiliares........................................................................277 Pharmacy Providers/Proveedores de farmacia..................................................................278 Drug Stores / Farmacias.....................................................................................................279 Index of Hospitals / Índice de hospitales............................................................................292 Index of Primary Care Providers / Índice de proveedores decuidado primario ................. 293 Index of Drug Stores /Índice de farmacias........................................................................306

    HOW TO CHOOSE A PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERAmerigroup makes it easyfor you to choose a family doctor called a Primary Care Provider.When your child/children enroll

    in Amerigroup Health Plan, just pick a Primary Care Provider foryour child/children from the list in this book. Each family membereligible for the CHIP program can pick his or her own Primary CareProvider.

    COMO ESCOGER A SU PROVEEDOR DE CUIDADOS PRIMARIOSAmerigroup lehace fácil la tarea de escoger a un médico familiar, tambiénllamado Proveedor de Cuidados Primarios.

    Cuando insciba a su niñ(s) en el seguro de salud de Amerigroupsolo tiene que escoger un Proveedor de Cuidados Primarios para suniñ(s) de la lista en este libro. Cada miembro de familia elegiblepara el programa CHIP puede escoger

    su propio Proveedor de Cuidados Primarios.

    If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearestEmergency RoomSi tiene una emergencia, llame al 911 o vaya a laSala de Emergencia más cercana


    HOW TO CHOOSE A PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERAmerigroup makes it easyfor you to choose a family doctor called a Primary Care Provider.When your child/children enroll

    in Amerigroup Health Plan, just pick a Primary Care Provider foryour child/children from the list in this book. Each family membereligible for the CHIP program can pick his or her own Primary CareProvider.

    COMO ESCOGER A SU PROVEEDOR DE CUIDADOS PRIMARIOSAmerigroup lehace fácil la tarea de escoger a un médico familiar, tambiénllamado Proveedor de Cuidados Primarios.

    Cuando insciba a su niñ(s) en el seguro de salud de Amerigroupsolo tiene que escoger un Proveedor de Cuidados Primarios para suniñ(s) de la lista en este libro. Cada miembro de familia elegiblepara el programa CHIP puede escoger

    su propio Proveedor de Cuidados Primarios.

    If you have an emergency, call 911 or go to the nearestEmergency RoomSi tiene una emergencia, llame al 911 o vaya a laSala de Emergencia más cercana

  • 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) ▪

    For the most up-to-date list of Amerigroup providers, visit ourwebsite at and go to Find a Doctor.

    If you haven’t already joined, call the CHIP/Children’s Medicaidcall center at 1-800-964-2777 to choose us.

    Call 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) Monday through Friday from 7 6 p.m. Central time if you need help finding any type ofprovider.

    Get the right care for your child We’re here to help you withyour child’s health care. Your child’s health-care benefitsinclude:

    • A primary care provider you choose from our state-widenetwork

    • Prescription drugs • Specialist referrals • Hospitalizations •Well care • Immunizations

    Choose a primary care provider If your child doesn’t alreadyhave a primary care provider, you can choose one listed in thisbook. Each member can pick his or her own primary care provider. Ifyou need help, call us at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711).

    Get OB/GYN services Your daughter can choose an OB/GYN from thelist in this book without a referral from her primary careprovider. She can get the following services: • One well-womancheckup a year • Care for any female-related health

    condition • Referrals to specialists in our network • Careduring pregnancy

    She can even choose an OB/GYN as her primary care provider. Callus at 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) and tell us which OB/GYN she wantsas her primary care provider.

    Get behavioral health services You can also get services relatedto behavioral health or substance use disorder without a referralfrom a primary care provider. Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a weekat 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). We will: • Tell you how to get help •Give you the name of a provider

    Amerigroup members in the Medicaid Rural Service Area and theSTAR Kids program are served by Amerigroup Insurance Company; allother Amerigroup members in Texas are served by Amerigroup Texas,Inc.


    Important Information About Your Amerigroup Health Plan 1

  • 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) ▪

    Para ver la lista más actualizada de proveedores de Amerigroup,visite nuestro sitio web en y vaya a Find aDoctor (Encontrar un doctor).

    Si no ha ingresado aún, llame al centro de llamadas deCHIP/Children's Medicaid al 1-800-964-2777 para elegirnos.

    Llame al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711) de lunes a viernes de 7 a.m. a6 p.m. hora del Centro si necesita ayuda para encontrar cualquiertipo de proveedor.

    Reciba el cuidado adecuado para su hijo Estamos a su disposiciónpara ayudarle con el cuidado de la salud de su hijo. Los beneficiosde cuidado de la salud de su hijo incluyen:

    • Un proveedor de cuidado primario que elija de nuestra redestatal

    • Medicamentos recetados • Referidos a especialistas •Hospitalizaciones • Cuidado de bienestar • Inmunizaciones

    Elija un proveedor de cuidado primario Si su hijo no tiene aúnun proveedor de cuidado primario, puede elegir uno de los que estánlistados en este libro. Cada miembro puede escoger su propioproveedor de cuidado primario. Si necesita ayuda, llámenos al1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711).

    Reciba servicios de obstetricia/ginecología Su hija puede elegirun obstetra/ginecólogo de la lista en este libro sin un referido desu proveedor de cuidado primario. Ella puede recibir los siguientesservicios: • Un chequeo de mujer sana al año • Cuidado paracualquier condición de

    salud relacionada con mujeres • Referidos a especialistas denuestra red • Cuidado durante el embarazo

    Ella incluso puede elegir a un obstetra/ginecólogo como suproveedor de cuidado primario. Llámenos al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711)y díganos cuál obstetra/ginecólogo ella desea como su proveedor decuidado primario.

    Reciba servicios de salud del comportamiento Usted también puederecibir servicios relacionados con salud del comportamiento otrastorno por el uso de sustancias sin un referido de un proveedorde cuidado primario. Llámenos las 24 horas del día, los 7 días a lasemana al 1-800-600-4441 (TTY 711). Nosotros: • Le diremos cómoobtener ayuda • Le daremos el nombre de un proveedor

    Los miembros de Amerigroup en el Área de Servicio Rural deMedicaid y el programa STAR Kids son atendidos por AmerigroupInsurance Company. Todos los otros miembros de Amerigroup en Texasson atendidos por Amerigroup Texas, Inc.



    Información importante sobre el plan de salud deAmerigroupInformación importante sobre el plan de salud deAmerigroup2


    Symbols Index

    You may find these symbols next to provider names and addresses.These symbols mean the provider:

    A Treats older adults. Pharmacy offers home deliveryservices.

    B Treats people with behavioral health needs.

    Pharmacy is open 24 hours a day.

    Ϯ Is board certified. Wheelchair accessible and for people witha disability or disabilities.

    D Treats people with disabilities. Completed culturallycompetent care training offered by the U.S. Department of Health& Human Services.

    ** Receives ongoing training. * Is not taking new patients atthis time.

    # Offers Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment(EPSDT) services/Texas Health Steps services.

    Offers telemedicine, telehealth or telemonitoring services.

    Location is close to public transportation access.

    Has an after-hours contact number.

    H Treats people with HIV/AIDS. Days of the week/Dias de lasemana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D

    Provides family planning services. All providers treat people ofall ages unless otherwise noted.

    These symbols mean the provider facility has:

    Basic Basic access for people with a disability or disabilities.This means access to parking, buildings, elevators, the doctor’soffice, the exam room and the restrooms.

    Limited Limited access for people with a disability ordisabilities. This means some access to one or more features ismissing like parking, buildings, elevators, the doctor’s office,exam rooms, and restrooms.

    P Accessible parking spaces, including van accessible spaces.Pathways with curbed ramps between the parking lot, office anddrop-off

    locations. EB Curbed ramps and other ramps wide enough for awheelchair or scooter.

    Handrails on both sides of ramps. An accessible entrance. Doorswide enough for a wheelchair or scooter. Door handles that are easyto use.



  • IB Doors wide enough for a wheelchair or scooter. Door handlesthat are easy to use. Wide interior ramps with handrails. Stairs,if present, with handrails. An elevator, if present, that isavailable to use anytime the building is open,

    easy-to-hear sounds and Braille buttons within reach, and roomfor people using a wheelchair or scooter to turn around.

    A platform lift, if present, can be used without help. R Arestroom with:

    Doors wide enough for a wheelchair or scooter. Doors that areeasy to open. Room for people using a wheelchair or scooter to turnaround and close the

    door. Grab bars for easy transfer from wheelchair to toilet. Anaccessible sink where the faucets, soap and toilet paper are easyto reach.

    E An exam room with: An entrance with an accessible, clear path.Doors wide enough for a wheelchair or scooter. Doors that are easyto open. Room for a person using a wheelchair or scooter to turnaround.

    T An exam table that moves up and down. The scale has handrailsto help people using a wheelchair or scooter. The weight scale canaccommodate a wheelchair.



  • Current symbols and their definitions are moving to a differentlocation in the directory. Changing these icons could potentiallyadd 3-4 weeks to processing time frames and it may incur additionalcosts to the health plan. PURPOSE: Create a universal symbols indexfor provider directories. One universal symbols index eliminatesthe need for the symbols and their definitions to repeat throughoutthe data pages in the provider directory.

    Índice de símbolos

    Podrá ver estos símbolos al lado de los nombres y direcciones delos proveedores. Estos símbolos significan que el proveedor:

    A Trata a adultos mayores. La farmacia ofrece servicio deentrega a domicilio.

    B Trata a personas con necesidades de salud delcomportamiento.

    La farmacia está abierta las 24 horas del día.

    Ϯ Cuenta con Certificación de la Junta. Cuenta con acceso parasillas de rueda y para personas con alguna discapacidad.

    D Trata a personas con discapacidades. Ha completado lacapacitación médica competente desde la perspectiva cultural,ofrecida por el U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

    ** Se capacita constantemente. * No está aceptando nuevospacientes en este momento.

    # Ofrece servicios de evaluación, diagnóstico y tratamientotempranos y periódicos (EPSDT)/Texas Health Steps.

    Ofrece servicios de telemedicina, telesalud o telemonitoreo.

    Su ubicación está cerca del acceso al transporte público.

    Cuenta con un número de contacto para comunicarse fuera delhorario de atención habitual.

    H Trata a personas con HIV/SIDA. Days of the week/Días de lasemana: M=L, Tu=Ma, W=Mi, Th=J, F=V, Sa=S, Su=D

    Presta servicios de planificación familiar.

    Todos los proveedores tratan a personas de todas las edades, amenos que se indique lo contrario.

    Estos símbolos significan que el centro proveedor cuentacon:

    Básico Acceso básico para personas con alguna discapacidad. Estosignifica acceso a estacionamiento, edificios, ascensores,consultorio del doctor, sala de examen y baños.

    Limitado Acceso limitado para personas con alguna discapacidad.Esto significa que no cuenta con acceso a uno o más servicios, comoel estacionamiento, los edificios, los ascensores, el consultoriodel doctor, la sala de examen y los baños.



  • TX-PD-0377-18

    P Lugar para estacionar (accesible), incluso lugar paracamionetas. Senderos con rampas antideslizantes entre elestacionamiento, el consultorio y

    las áreas de descenso. EB Rampas antideslizantes y otras rampaslo suficientemente anchas como para

    que pase una silla de ruedas o una silla motorizada. Pasamanosen ambos lados de la rampa. Ingreso accesible. Puertas losuficientemente anchas como para que ingrese una silla de ruedaso

    una silla motorizada. Picaportes que son fáciles de usar.

    IB Puertas lo suficientemente anchas como para que ingrese unasilla de ruedas o una silla motorizada.

    Picaportes que son fáciles de usar. Rampas interiores ampliascon pasamanos. Escaleras con pasamanos (si hubiera). Un ascensor(si hubiera) que se puede usar en cualquier horario mientras el

    edificio esté abierto, sonidos perceptibles y botones en Brailleal alcance de la mano, así como espacio para que las personas ensilla de ruedas o en silla motorizada puedan girar.

    Una plataforma elevadora (si hubiera) que se puede usar sinayuda. R Un baño con:

    Puertas lo suficientemente anchas como para que ingrese unasilla de ruedas o una silla motorizada.

    Puertas que se abren con facilidad. Sala para que las personasen silla de ruedas o silla motorizada puedan girar y

    cerrar la puerta. Barras de sostén para que pueda pasar sinproblemas de la silla de ruedas al

    retrete. Un lavabo accesible para alcanzar y usar las llaves, eljabón y el papel higiénico

    fácilmente. E Una sala de examen con:

    Un ingreso con un sendero despejado y accesible. Puertas losuficientemente anchas como para que ingrese una silla de ruedaso

    una silla motorizada. Puertas que se abren con facilidad.Espacio para que las personas en silla de ruedas o silla motorizadapuedan girar.

    T Una mesa de examen que se sube y se baja. La balanza tienepasamanos para conveniencia de las personas en silla de ruedas osilla motorizada. Las sillas de ruedas pueden ponerse sobre labalanza.


  • 7

    Hospital / Hospital




    Hospitals / Hospitales

    Hospital / Hospital Anahuac Bayside Community Hospital AngletonUtmb At Galveston Bay City Matagorda Regional Medical

    Center Bellville Bellville St Joseph Health Ctr ColumbusColumbus Community

    Hospital Conroe Hca Houston Healthcare Conroe St Luke's LakesideHospital

    St Luke's The Woodlands Hospital El Campo El Campo MemorialHospital Galveston Shriners Hospitals For

    Children Utmb At Galveston Hallettsville Lavaca Medical CtrHouston Advanced Dallas Hospital &

    Clinics Ben Taub General Hospital

    Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital

    Doctors Hospital Parkway &

    Tidwell Harris County Hospital


    Hca Houston Healthcare Medical Center Hca Houston HealthcareNorthwest Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital

    Memorial Hermann Hospital

    Memorial Hospital - Memorial


    Memorial Hospital - Southeast

    Memorial Hospital Southwest Nexus Children's Hospital

    Houston Shriners Hospitals For

    Children St Joseph Medical Ctr

    St Luke's Hospital At The

    Vintage Humble Kingwood Medical Ctr

    Memorial Hermann Northeast Katy Memorial Hermann Katy

    Hospital La Grange St Mark's Medical Ctr Lake Jackson BrazosportRegional Health

    System Navasota Grimes St Joseph Health Ctr Pasadena HarrisCounty Hospital


    Hca Houston Healthcare Southeast St Luke's Patients Medical CtrStrawberry Health Ctr Richmond Oakbend Medical Ctr Spring HcaHouston Healthcare Northwest Sugar Land Memorial Hermann Sugar

    Land Surgical Hosp

    Mhhs Sugar Land Hospital

    St Lukes Sugar Land Hospital Sweeny Sweeny Community HospitalTexas City Hca Houston Healthcare Mainland The Woodlands

    Memorial Hospital Woodlands Webster Hca Houston HealthcareMainland Wharton Oakbend Medical Ctr Yoakum Yoakum CommunityHospital

  • 8

    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia




    ity H











    Community Health Centers / Centros médicos comunitarios

    Family Medicine /

    Medicina De Familia Baytown Baytown Health Ctr,

    MD 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 7am-5pm

    Houston Acres Home Health Ctr, UNKN 818 Ringold St

    Houston, TX 77088 (281)448-6391

    M-F, 8am-5pm Aldine Health Ctr, MD 4755 Aldine Mail Rte RdHouston, TX 77039 (281)985-7600

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Sa, 7am-3:30pm Ben Taub Pediatric Continuity Clinic,

    UNKN 1504 Taub Loop

    Houston, TX 77030 (713)873-5437

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Casa De Amigos

    Health Ctr, MD 1615 N Main St Houston, TX 77009(713)222-2272

    M-F, 7am-4pm

    Female Gulfgate Health Ctr,

    MD 7550 Office City Dr

    Houston, TX 77012 (713)495-3700

    M,Tu,Th,F, 8am-5pm

    W, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 7am-3pm Martin Luther King

    Health Ctr, MD 3550 Swingle Rd

    Houston, TX 77047 (713)547-1000

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Northwest Health Ctr,

    MD 1100 W 34th St Houston, TX 77018 (713)861-3939

    M-F, 8am-10pm People's Health Ctr,

    MD 6630 De Moss Dr Houston, TX 77074 (713)272-2600

    Tu-F, 8am-5pm

    Sa, 7am-3:30pm Settegast Health Ctr,

    MD 9105 N Wayside Dr

    Houston, TX 77028 (713)633-2020

    M-F, 7:30am-7:30pm

    Sa, 7am-4pm

    Humble E A Squatty Lyons

    Health Ctr, MD 1712 1st St E Humble, TX 77338 (281)446-4139

    M-F, 7:30am-4:30pm

    Pasadena Strawberry Health Ctr,

    MD 927 Shaw Ave Pasadena, TX 77506 (713)982-5900

    M-Th, 7:30am-9pm

    F, 7:30am-4pm

    Sa,Su, 7:30am-12pm Serves Idd / Sirve

    Idd Houston Gulfgate Health Ctr,

    MD 7550 Office City Dr

    Houston, TX 77012 (713)495-3700

    M,Tu,Th,F, 8am-5pm

    W, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 7am-3pm

    Humble E A Squatty Lyons

    Health Ctr, MD 1712 1st St E Humble, TX 77338 (281)446-4139

    M-F, 7:30am-4:30pm

    Pasadena Strawberry Health Ctr,

    MD 927 Shaw Ave Pasadena, TX 77506 (713)982-5900

    M-Th, 7:30am-9pm

    F, 7:30am-4pm

    Sa,Su, 7:30am-12pm

  • 9

    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia


    School Based C

    linicsLa escuela basó

    School Based Clinics / La escuela basó clinicas

    Family Medicine /

    Medicina De Familia Houston Almatha Clark Taylor

    Clinic, MD 13940 Bonham St Houston, TX 77015 (713)497-0950

    M-F, 8am-5pm



  • 10

    Adolescent Med - Internal Med / Medicina Para Adolescentes –Medicina Interna





    e Pr






    de c


    do p



    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario

    Adolescent Med Internal Med /

    Medicina Para Adolescentes – Medicina Interna Houston Schmidt,Rosa M., MD Practice ID:10023932 Treats Patients Ages 13

    And Over 1504 Taub Loop

    Houston, TX 77030 (713)873-8890

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Hispanic Adolescent Med Pediatrics /

    Adolescente Med -

    Pediatría Houston Benjamins, Laura J.,

    MD Practice ID:01071976 Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 5516 Lockwood Dr Houston, TX 77026 (713)497-0000

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01071976 Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 6410 Fannin Ste 500 Houston, TX 77030(832)325-7111

    M-F, 8am-5pm


    Katy Mcconkey, Rosabelle

    V., MD Practice ID:07935021 Treats Patients Ages 21

    And Under 1259 Fm 1463 Rd Ste 300 Katy, TX 77494


    M-F, 8:30am-12:30pm

    M-F, 1:30pm-5pm


    Adolescent Medicine / Medicina

    Para Adolescentes Houston Barratt, Michelle S., MD PracticeID:10006912 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Under 15555 Kuykendahl Rd

    Houston, TX 77090 (281)885-4630

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female White (Non-Hispanic) Practice ID:10006912 Treats PatientsAges 18

    And Under 6410 Fannin St Ste 500 Houston, TX 77030(832)325-7111

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female White (Non-Hispanic) Benjamins, Laura J.,

    MD Practice ID:01071976 Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 5516 Lockwood Dr Houston, TX 77026 (713)497-0000

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01071976 Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 6410 Fannin Ste 500 Houston, TX 77030(832)325-7111

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Beyda, Rebecca M.,

    MD Practice ID:02038440 Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 5516 Lockwood Dr Houston, TX 77026 (713)497-0000

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Practice ID:02038440 Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 5656 Kelley St

    Houston, TX 77026 (713)566-5065

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:02038440 Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 6410 Fannin St Ste 500 Houston, TX 77030(832)325-7111

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Feldmann, Jennifer M., MD Practice ID:10457908Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Under 1415 California St Houston, TX 77006 (832)548-5000

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Caucasian Patterson-Rose,

    Sherine A., MD Practice ID:10457364 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Under 12667 Bissonnet St Houston, TX 77099 (832)548-5000

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Powells, Janice R.,

    MD Practice ID:10014514 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 8300 Bissonnet St Ste 300 Houston, TX 77074(713)774-3443

    M,Tu,Th,F, 9am-5pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm

    Female Black

    Katy Mcconkey, Rosabelle

    V., MD Practice ID:07935021 Treats Patients Ages 21

    And Under 1259 Fm 1463 Rd Ste 300 Katy, TX 77494


    M-F, 8:30am-12:30pm

    M-F, 1:30pm-5pm


    Porter Nikolaidis, Andreas C., MD Practice ID:10069112 Romanian,Greek,

    Modern (1453-),

    German, Spanish,

    Polish Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 24375 Fm 1314 Rd Porter, TX 77365 (281)354-5663

    M-Th, 6:30am-4pm

    F, 6:30am-2pm

    Sa, 6am-11am Male Certified Nurse Practitioner /

    Enfermera Profesional Certificada Baytown Melville,Shanekwah

    F., NP Practice ID:08566078 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520



    Bellaire Beck, Maureen S., NP Practice ID:01467065 6700 WestLoop S Ste

    130 Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)486-5150

    M-W, 9am-5pm


  • 11

    Certified Nurse Practitioner / Enfermera ProfesionalCertificada


    Primary C

    are ProvidersProveedores de cuidado prim

    ario Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidadoprimario

    Klein, Connie L., NP Practice ID:01074071 6700 W Loop S Ste500

    Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)892-5500

    M-F, 8am-5pm


    Conroe Chapman, Mica D., RN

    Practice ID:10063992 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 11

    And Over 201 Enterprise Row Ste

    12 Conroe, TX 77301 (936)760-2784 ** M-Th, 8am-4:30pm

    Female Gregory, Marilyn F.,

    RN Practice ID:10063998 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 11

    And Over 201 Enterprise Row Ste

    12 Conroe, TX 77301 (936)788-1480 ** M-Th, 8am-4:30pm

    F, 8am-12pm

    Female Martin, Janice E., NP Practice ID:08554824 508 MedicalCenter Blvd Ste 150 Conroe, TX 77304 (936)494-2201

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Ostrowski, Mary E.,

    NP Practice ID:01914871 508 Medical Ctr Blvd Ste 200 Conroe, TX77304 (936)760-4600

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Rooney, Laura L., NP

    Practice ID:02360603 19675 I 45 S Ste 100 Conroe, TX 77385(281)465-2873


    Cypress Mcmillian, Raytoysha

    E., NP Practice ID:08874922 27700 Nw Freeway Ste

    180 Cypress, TX 77433


    Female Rooney, Laura L., NP

    Practice ID:02360603 27700 Highway 290 Ste

    100 Cypress, TX 77433



    Edna Gilley, Judith A., RN

    Practice ID:01896856 Spanish

    1013 S Wells St Edna, TX 77957 (361)570-1082

    M-Th, 9am-5pm


    Hallettsville Gilley, Judith A., RN

    Practice ID:01896856 Spanish

    1406 N Texana St Hallettsville, TX 77964 (361)570-1082

    M-Th, 9am-5pm


    Houston Armentrout, Debra C.,

    RN Practice ID:01034587 6411 Fannin St Houston, TX 77030(713)704-2900

    Female White (Non-Hispanic) Arriazola, Tiffani D.,

    NP Practice ID:06251092 6699 Chimney Rock Rd

    Ste 201 Houston, TX 77081 (713)533-1700

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Beck, Maureen S., NP Practice ID:01467065 5656 Kelley St Fl4

    Houston, TX 77026 (713)566-4463

    M-W, 9am-5pm

    Female Broussard, Stephanie

    L., RN Practice ID:01062412 6410 Fannin St Ste 500 Houston, TX77030 (832)325-7111

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Calais,

    Obuchukwuneme U., NP Practice ID:06821960 915 Gessner Rd Ste 100Houston, TX 77024 (713)242-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Chen, Shuchen C., NP Practice ID:01251260 Spanish,Italian Treats Patients Ages 55

    And Over 4660 Beechnut St Ste 218 Houston, TX 77096(713)521-0006

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Cinquemani, Rita D.,

    NP Practice ID:01365818 Spanish

    6768 Highway 6 S

    Houston, TX 77083 (713)521-0006

    M-F, 7am-12pm

    M-F, 1:30pm-7:30pm

    Sa, 10am-3pm

    Female Cole, Kimberly D., RN

    Practice ID:01034628 Treats Patients Ages 3

    And Over 6411 Fannin St Houston, TX 77030 (713)500-4472

    M-F, 8am-5pm


    Dhuka, Faizmeen P.,

    MSN Practice ID:04844288 5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 100 Houston, TX77081 (713)486-2900

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Edwards, Michelle L.,

    NP Practice ID:01702890 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 1

    And Over 7324 Southwest Fwy

    Ste 885 Houston, TX 77074 (713)534-1718

    M,Th, 8:30am-7pm

    Tu,W,F, 8:30am-5:30pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm

    Female Falgoust, Ashley M.,

    RN Practice ID:10076921 6411 Fannin St Houston, TX 77030(713)704-2900

    Female Green, Tamica N., NP Practice ID:03849983 7364 Antoine DrHouston, TX 77088 (713)486-7350

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Hebert, Bettina L., RN Practice ID:01034633 6431 FanninSt Houston, TX 77030 (713)704-4060

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Huseby, Valerie D.,

    RN Practice ID:01332947 6411 Fannin St Houston, TX 77030(713)500-5727

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Caucasian

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    Certified Nurse Practitioner / Enfermera ProfesionalCertificada





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    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario

    Johnson, Joanna M.,

    NP Practice ID:02792529 7789 Southwest Fwy

    Ste 350 Houston, TX 77074 (713)778-4450

    Female Jones, Cheryl H., NP

    Practice ID:02671344 Spanish

    7048 Bissonnet St Houston, TX 77074 (832)962-8721

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Joseph, Claudine, RN

    Practice ID:10049126 Spanish

    16125 Cairnway Dr Ste

    104 Houston, TX 77084 (281)858-6611

    M-W,F, 8am-5pm

    Th, 8am-7pm

    Sa, 10am-10pm

    Female Kelly, Katherine C.,

    RN Practice ID:01034741 6411 Fannin St Houston, TX 77030(713)500-4472

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Lerios, Francis J., NP Practice ID:05390540 TreatsPatients Ages 18

    And Over 921 Gessner Rd Ste 5307 Houston, TX 77024(713)242-4931

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Lindenberg, Julie A.,

    RN Practice ID:10008001 Spanish, French 7000 Fannin St Ste 1620Houston, TX 77030 (713)500-3267

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female White (Non-Hispanic)

    Lombana, Pamela E.,

    MSN Practice ID:01245176 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 19

    And Under 2323 Wirt Rd Ste F8 Houston, TX 77055(713)467-4900

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Mackey, Thomas A.,

    RN Practice ID:01333219 7000 Fannin St Ste 1620 Houston, TX77030 (713)500-3267

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Mangon, Tanisha L.,

    RN Practice ID:01377630 6410 Fannin St Ste 600 Houston, TX 77030(832)325-7100

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Manyigang, Delphine

    L., NP Practice ID:02045375 5656 Kelley St

    Houston, TX 77026 (713)566-4793

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Black Marquez, Aprille L.,

    NP Practice ID:02077408 915 Gessner Rd Ste 100 Houston, TX 77024(713)242-2222

    M-F, 7am-5pm

    Female Mcmillian, Raytoysha

    E., NP Practice ID:08874922 2331 Citywest Blvd Ste

    242 Houston, TX 77042 (832)658-3260


    Practice ID:08874922 6411 Fannin St Ste Jb500 Houston, TX 77030(713)704-6996

    Female Practice ID:08874922 915 Gessner Rd Ste 100 Houston, TX77024 (713)242-2222

    Female Practice ID:08874922 921 Gessner Rd Ste 1057 Houston, TX77024 (713)242-4085

    Female Practice ID:08874922 925 N Eldridge Pkwy

    Ste 100 Houston, TX 77079 (713)984-6650

    Female Montano, Maribel N., NP Practice ID:05548692 Spanish

    5402 Airline Dr Houston, TX 77076 (888)776-5252

    M-F, 7am-7pm

    Sa, 8am-1pm

    Female Neal, Robbie L., NP Practice ID:07976270 7364 Antoine DrHouston, TX 77088 (713)486-7350

    Female Nformangum,

    Catharine, NP Practice ID:02002506 Spanish, French TreatsPatients Ages 1

    And Over 15655 Westheimer Rd Ste 106 Houston, TX 77082(281)741-2612

    M,Tu, 8am-5pm

    W,Th, 8am-7pm

    Sa, 9am-2pm


    Practice ID:02002506 Spanish, French Treats Patients Ages 1

    And Over 6750 Highway 6 S

    Houston, TX 77083 (281)741-2612

    M-Th, 9am-6pm

    Sa, 9am-2pm

    Female Nguyen, Rachell A.,

    NP Practice ID:07679135 11452 Space Center

    Blvd Houston, TX 77059 (713)486-6200

    Female Nwanna, Anthonia,

    APNP Practice ID:05661091 9207 Country Creek Dr

    Ste 105 Houston, TX 77036 (281)888-9458

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Obinani, Chidi M., RN Practice ID:01231729 5656 KelleySt

    Houston, TX 77026 (713)566-5775

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:01231729 6411 Fannin St Houston, TX 77030(713)704-4060

    Male Pence, Catherine T., NP Practice ID:08874921 11920 AstoriaBlvd Ste 110 Houston, TX 77089 (281)464-8484


  • 13

    Certified Nurse Practitioner / Enfermera ProfesionalCertificada


    Primary C

    are ProvidersProveedores de cuidado prim

    ario Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidadoprimario

    Reavis, Catherine W.,


    Practice ID:02067119 909 Frostwood Dr Ste 1100 Houston, TX 77024(713)338-4523

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Richard, Valerie C.,


    Practice ID:02341542 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 21

    And Under 2312 Tidwell Rd Houston, TX 77093 (713)559-0786

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Roberts, Richard R.,


    Practice ID:02057036 915 Gessner Rd Ste 100 Houston, TX 77024(713)242-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Rooney, Laura L., NP

    Practice ID:02360603 915 Gessner Rd Ste 100 Houston, TX 77024(713)242-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Rutherford, Angela,


    Practice ID:04664744 7000 Fannin St Ste 1620 Houston, TX 77030(713)500-3267

    Female Saade, Rebecca E.,


    Practice ID:01605351 915 Gessner Rd Ste 100 Medical Plaza 3Houston, TX 77024 (713)242-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Sansalone, Lisa M.,


    Practice ID:01075233 6411 Fannin St Ste 950 Houston, TX 77030(713)500-7318

    Female Smith, Teresa M., RN

    Practice ID:01355799 915 Gessner Rd Ste 100 Houston, TX 77024(713)242-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Solorzano, Cindy C.,


    Practice ID:01869628 Spanish, Gujarati,

    Hindi, Urdu,

    Bhutanese, French Treats Patients Ages 20

    And Under 5402 Lawndale St Houston, TX 77023 (832)548-5000

    M-F, 8am-4pm

    Female Hispanic Stockton, Lee E., NP

    Practice ID:02342177 13114 Fm 1960 Rd W Ste 119 Houston, TX77065 (281)890-6446

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:02342177 1431 Studemont St Ste C2400 Houston,TX 77007 (713)242-2980

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Thomas, Rochelle S.,


    Practice ID:05950069 15555 Kuykendahl Rd

    Houston, TX 77090 (832)325-7111

    Female Black (Non-Hispanic)

    Practice ID:05950069 925 N Shepherd Dr

    Houston, TX 77008 (713)486-7200

    Female Black (Non-Hispanic) Zietz, Hallie A., MSN

    Practice ID:03851880 1200 Binz St Ste 850 Houston, TX 77004(713)486-5660


    Humble Smith, Teresa M., RN

    Practice ID:03506371 107 Granberry St

    Humble, TX 77338 (832)644-6496

    M-F, 8am-5pm


    Katy Kirkland, Tracie W.,


    Practice ID:02689128 22430 Grand Corner Dt Ste C 1:400 Katy, TX77494


    M-W, 9am-5pm

    Female Klein, Connie L., NP

    Practice ID:01074071 23923 Cinco Ranch Rd Katy, TX 77494


    Female Mcmillian, Raytoysha

    E., NP

    Practice ID:08874922 23920 Katy Fwy Ste

    540 Katy, TX 77494


    Female Nguyen, Rachell A.,


    Practice ID:07679135 23923 Cinco Ranch Blvd Katy, TX 77494



    Sahor, Mariama S.,


    Practice ID:05236599 25118 Lakeview Rd Katy, TX 77494


    M-F, 8am-5pm


    League City Lopez, Elizabeth J.,


    Practice ID:05548458 2240 Gulf Fwy S

    League City, TX 77573


    Female Osarumwense, Joyce,


    Practice ID:05545011 2240 Gulf Fwy S

    League City, TX 77573


    Female Villarreal, Gregorio,


    Practice ID:05544993 2240 Gulf Fwy S

    League City, TX 77573



    Pasadena Menke, Sheri J., NP

    Practice ID:06388798 3801 Vista Rd Ste 100 Pasadena, TX 77504(281)249-2273

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Peter, Narmadha, NP

    Practice ID:01918703 Spanish, Gujarati,

    Hindi, French,

    Bhutanese, Urdu Treats Patients Ages 12

    And Over 3737 Red Bluff Rd Ste 150 Pasadena, TX 77503(713)473-5180

    M-F, 8am-5pm


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    Certified Nurse Practitioner / Enfermera ProfesionalCertificada





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    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario

    Pearland Medina, Cindy K., RN

    Practice ID:01170634 Treats Patients Ages 12

    Through 45

    2750 Broadway St

    Pearland, TX 77581 (281)485-3220

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Porter Taylor, Rosaland R.,


    Practice ID:01900650 Spanish

    23736 Highway 59 N

    Ste 104A Porter, TX 77365 (281)354-1133

    M-Th, 9am-5pm

    F, 9am-1pm


    Richmond Neeley, Mary A., RN

    Practice ID:10008571 Spanish

    400 Austin St Richmond, TX 77469 (281)342-5176

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female White (Non-Hispanic)

    Shenandoah Castillo, Claudia R.,


    Practice ID:08540470 19675 I 45 S Ste 100 Shenandoah, TX 77385(281)465-2873

    Female Mcmillian, Raytoysha

    E., NP

    Practice ID:08874922 920 Medical Plaza Dr Ste 340 Shenandoah, TX77380 (713)897-2371


    Spring Bell, Staci A., NP

    Practice ID:02689158 7474 N Grand Pkwy W

    # C1-400 Spring, TX 77379


    Female Jeansonne, Janice M.,


    Practice ID:01932556 21301 Kuykendahl Rd

    Ste F Spring, TX 77379


    Female Practice ID:01932556 9180 Pinecroft Dr Ste 400 Spring, TX77380


    Female Sard, Emily J., NP

    Practice ID:02057802 9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 400 Spring, TX77380


    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Stafford Franklin, Joyce M., NP

    Practice ID:10045053 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 13

    And Over 2227 S Main St Ste A Stafford, TX 77477(281)969-7662

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Sugar Land Klein, Connie L., NP

    Practice ID:01074071 17510 W Grand Pkwy S

    Ste 450 Sugar Land, TX 77479



    Mcmillian, Raytoysha

    E., NP

    Practice ID:08874922 14023 Southwest Fwy

    Sugar Land, TX 77478



    Sweeny Schaubroeck, Lisa M.,


    Practice ID:03427633 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Over 303 N Mckinney St Ste

    B Sweeny, TX 77480


    M-Th, 8am-5pm

    F, 8am-12pm


    Texas City Akpo, Victorine L., NP

    Practice ID:08790287 1501 N Amburn Rd Ste 9 Texas City, TX77591


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Crouch, April M., NP

    Practice ID:08950380 1501 N Amburn Rd Ste 9 Texas City, TX77591


    Female Draper, Rosana, NP

    Practice ID:04055228 2000 Texas Ave Ste 300 Texas City, TX77590



    The Woodlands

    Jeansonne, Janice M.,


    Practice ID:01932556 9305 Pinecroft Dr Ste 300 The Woodlands, TX77380 (713)897-7221

    M-F, 8am-5pm


    Tomball Shinohara, Tania,


    Practice ID:06766177 25800 Kuykendahl Rd

    Tomball, TX 77375 (832)761-8496


    Waller Benoit, Jillian K., NP

    Practice ID:06821962 19001 Kermier Rd Ste 1012 Waller, TX 77484(936)931-5200

    Female Mcmillian, Raytoysha

    E., NP

    Practice ID:08874922 19001 Kermier Rd Ste 1012 Waller, TX 77484(936)931-5200

    Female Richard, Valerie C.,


    Practice ID:02341542 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 21

    And Under 31303 Fm 2920 Rd Ste G Waller, TX 77484(936)931-3448

    M-F, 8am-5pm


  • 15

    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia


    Primary C

    are ProvidersProveedores de cuidado prim

    ario Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidadoprimario

    Webster Lopez, Elizabeth J.,


    Practice ID:05548458 17448 Highway 3 Ste

    200 Webster, TX 77598 (832)505-1748

    Female Osarumwense, Joyce,


    Practice ID:05545011 17448 Highway 3 Ste

    200 Webster, TX 77598 (832)505-1748

    Female Villarreal, Gregorio,


    Practice ID:05544993 17448 Highway 3 Ste

    200 Webster, TX 77598 (832)505-1748


    West Columbia Schaubroeck, Lisa M.,


    Practice ID:03427633 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Over 668 W Brazos Ave West Columbia, TX 77486(979)345-2525

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Wharton Avila, Janie M., NP

    Practice ID:01651663 Spanish

    2100 Regional Medical

    Dr Wharton, TX 77488 (979)532-1700

    M-F, 7am-5pm


    Mcmillian, Raytoysha

    E., NP

    Practice ID:08874922 2100 Regional Medical

    Dr Fl 1 Wharton, TX 77488 (979)532-6779

    Female Family Medicine /

    Medicina De Familia

    Alvin Ben-Okoli, Ford N.,


    Practice ID:10542060 2020 East Hwy 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530 Beshara, Peter A., MD

    Practice ID:03111369 2020 E Highway 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530 **

    Male Billingsley, Katherine

    L., MD

    Practice ID:03137894 2020 East Hwy 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    Female Doe, James Y., MD

    Practice ID:03775051 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Over 2020 E Highway 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Elsaid, Saleh S., MD

    Practice ID:01423610 2020 E Highway 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Herring, Katherine S.,


    Practice ID:07037171 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 12

    And Over 304 Medic Ln Ste B Alvin, TX 77511 (281)331-2062

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Hussein, Hanan, MD

    Practice ID:01172738 2020 E Highway 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Jarrell, Susan, MD

    Practice ID:02792541 2020 E Hwy 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Jennings, Ryan E.,


    Practice ID:03035271 252 N Bypass 35 Ste D

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)388-3700

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Mccarroll, Kerry D.,


    Practice ID:03305293 French 1100 Smith Dr Alvin, TX 77511(281)331-0082

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Sa, 8am-12pm

    Male Mulcahy, Robert A.,


    Practice ID:04091854 2020 East Highway 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Reyes, David P., MD

    Practice ID:03403798 2020 E Highway 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Rodriguez, Jose A.,


    Practice ID:01641710 2020 E Highway 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Welch, Karen S., MD

    Practice ID:03137888 2020 E Highway 6

    Alvin, TX 77511 (281)585-2530

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Anahuac Capili, Anthony, MD

    Practice ID:03564303 Philippine (Other)

    200 Hospital Dr

    Anahuac, TX 77514 (409)267-4126 **

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:03564305 Philippine (Other)

    621 Ross Sterling Ave

    Anahuac, TX 77514 (409)267-4126 **

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Redman, John L., MD

    Practice ID:01454396 Spanish

    200 Hospital Dr

    Anahuac, TX 77514 (409)267-4126

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:03564277 Spanish

    621 Ross Sterling Ave

    Anahuac, TX 77514 (409)267-3143

    M-F, 8am-5pm


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    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia





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    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario

    Yazdani, Hossein, MD

    Practice ID:10062753 Spanish, Faroese,

    Farsi Treats Patients Ages 1

    And Over 105 S Kansas Anahuac, TX 77514 (409)267-3118

    M-F, 8am-4:30pm


    Angleton Ben-Okoli, Ford N.,


    Practice ID:10542060 2327 E Mulberry St

    Angleton, TX 77515

    (979)849-9557 Edemekong, Peter,


    Practice ID:07351457 146 E Hospital Dr Ste

    205 Angleton, TX 77515


    Male Jarrell, Susan, MD

    Practice ID:02792541 146 E Hospital Dr Ste

    102 Angleton, TX 77515


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female King, James C., MD

    Practice ID:06401344 Spanish

    146 E Hospital Dr

    Angleton, TX 77515


    Male Rogers, Anthony S.,


    Practice ID:02821815 136 E Hospital Dr Ste

    103 Angleton, TX 77515


    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Veselka, James E.,


    Practice ID:02821990 136 E Hospital Dr Ste

    103 Angleton, TX 77515


    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Bay City Ambeaux Jr, Louis I.,


    Practice ID:03071259 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 2

    And Over 600 Hospital Cir Ste

    201 Bay City, TX 77414


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Byrd, Alan N., MD

    Practice ID:02693876 Spanish

    600 Hospital Cir Ste

    200 Bay City, TX 77414


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male D'lima, Shanta L., MD

    Practice ID:01158888 Spanish

    740 12th St Bay City, TX 77414


    Female Zuniga, Fabricio J.,


    Practice ID:06608300 Spanish

    600 Hospital Cir Ste

    200 Bay City, TX 77414


    M-Th, 8am-5pm

    F, 8am-12pm


    Baytown Abid, Humaira, MD

    Practice ID:02645222 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77521

    (281)837-2700 **

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Abreu Serrano, Atilio

    A., MD

    Practice ID:08769734 1600 James Bowie Dr Ste C104 Baytown, TX77520


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Afzal, Haider, MD

    Practice ID:06864531 Spanish

    1113 W Baker Rd Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:06864531 Spanish

    1690 W Baker Rd Ste B Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Akinyeye,

    Adetokunbo A., MD

    Practice ID:10019616 Spanish, French 1661 Rollingbrook Dr

    Ste A Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Black Anabor, Omegie L.,


    Practice ID:02769328 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-W, 9am-5pm

    Female Black

    Barnett, Barbara S.,


    Practice ID:01340112 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Botsford, Lindsay K.,


    Practice ID:01438372 Spanish

    4301 Garth Rd Ste 400 Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Canio, Llewellyn B.,


    Practice ID:04561105 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Filipino Capili, Anthony, MD

    Practice ID:03564304 Philippine (Other)

    9825 Eagle Dr

    Baytown, TX 77523

    (281)576-0670 **

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Curbow, Amie R., MD

    Practice ID:04215184 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Caucasian Dwivedi, Ajit, DO

    Practice ID:10060878 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm


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    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia


    Primary C

    are ProvidersProveedores de cuidado prim

    ario Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidadoprimario

    Edhaie, Sara M., DO

    Practice ID:10457905 Spanish

    4301 Garth Rd Ste 302, 306, 400 Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Fragoso, Veronica G.,


    Practice ID:01265923 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Gabler, Kelly A., MD

    Practice ID:10457829 Spanish

    4301 Garth Rd Ste 302, 306, 400 Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Gale, Letosha E., MD

    Practice ID:04134294 Spanish

    1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Black Goldbaum, Stephanie,

    MD Practice ID:10015297 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Goldberg, Isaac M.,


    Practice ID:10457418 Spanish

    4301 Garth Rd Ste 302, 306, 400 Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Gonzalez, Kimberlie

    J., MD

    Practice ID:10457408 4301 Garth Rd Ste 302, 306, 400 Baytown, TX77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Gupta, Ganesh P., MD

    Practice ID:03081673 Hindi, Spanish

    1610 James Bowie Dr Ste A114 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male White (Non-Hispanic) Gutierrez, Alondra G.,


    Practice ID:02396545 Spanish, Sign


    4301 Garth Rd Ste 306 Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:02396545 Spanish, Sign


    4301 Garth Rd Ste 400 Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Health Ctr, Baytown,


    Practice ID:00000053 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 7am-5pm Hekerem, Kemka O.,


    Practice ID:02939962 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Henson, Louise C.,


    Practice ID:01324049 Spanish

    1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Black Hines, Dennis O., MD

    Practice ID:01264117 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Jinnah, Amina P., MD

    Practice ID:02363606 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Kasule, Love S., MD

    Practice ID:01339938 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Khan, Farheen, MD

    Practice ID:10016491 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    Female King, James C., MD

    Practice ID:04855487 Spanish

    1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Mansoor, Tariq, MD

    Practice ID:01886208 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm



    Cecilia L., MD

    Practice ID:01857362 Spanish

    1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Native American Montgomery, Lynda,


    Practice ID:10457491 4301 Garth Rd Ste 302, 306, 400 Baytown, TX77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm Nazari-Adli, Fariborz,


    Practice ID:01738069 Spanish, Faroese,

    French 4002 Garth Rd Ste 150 Baytown, TX 77521


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Newsome, Eli B., MD

    Practice ID:10457831 4301 Garth Rd Ste 302, 306, 400 Baytown, TX77521


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Odetunde, Olufunke A., MD

    Practice ID:01264255 Spanish

    1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Black Patel, Vikash U., MD

    Practice ID:04080881 Hindi, Gujarati

    1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm


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    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario

    Redman, John L., MD

    Practice ID:03564276 Spanish

    9825 Eagle Dr

    Baytown, TX 77523


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Sadoun, Elise Y., MD

    Practice ID:01727547 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Shenmd, Johnny, MD

    Practice ID:02364159 Spanish, Chinese Mandarin 1602 Garth RdBaytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Asian Pacific American Swegler, Erica W., MD

    Practice ID:02365336 1602 Garth Rd Ste 250 Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Zaheer, Sarah, MD

    Practice ID:02774688 Urdu 1602 Garth Rd Baytown, TX 77520


    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Bellaire Allaire, Bo J., MD

    Practice ID:02901360 6565 W Loop S Ste 525

    Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)661-7888

    M-Th, 8:30am-4:30pm

    F, 8:30am-4pm


    Alvarez, Pedro N., MD

    Practice ID:05392475 Spanish

    5835 Bissonnet St Bellaire, TX 77401 (888)776-5252

    M-F, 8am-6pm

    Male Atai, Faith D., MD

    Practice ID:01350363 Treats Patients Ages 65

    And Over 6700 W Loop South Ste

    130 Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)486-5150

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01784840 6700 West Loop S Ste

    520 Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)572-8122

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Iyengar, Deepa A., MD

    Practice ID:10023378 Spanish, Hindi 6700 West Loop S Ste

    520 Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)572-8122

    Female Srireddy, Asritha P.,


    Practice ID:04732569 6700 W Loop S Ste 500

    Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)892-5500

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Asian Or Pacific Islander Wang, Yun, MD

    Practice ID:01783057 Spanish, German,

    Chinese, Urdu,

    Vietnamese 6700 W Loop S Ste 520

    Bellaire, TX 77401 (713)572-8122

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Asian Or Pacific Islander

    Bellville Crowe, David A., MD

    Practice ID:04687404 235 W Palm St Bellville, TX 77418(979)865-3126

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Parsi, Kia E., MD

    Practice ID:01634298 Spanish

    235 W Palm St Ste 105 Bellville, TX 77418 (979)865-3124

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Rameden, Theresa A.,


    Practice ID:01657928 Spanish

    235 W Palm St Bellville, TX 77418 (979)865-3124

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Brazoria Erickson, Richard C.,


    Practice ID:06831642 1525 N Brooks St Brazoria, TX 77422(979)798-2747

    Male White (Non-Hispanic)

    Brenham Bode, John F., MD

    Practice ID:10043018 Spanish

    601 Medical Pkwy Ste

    D Brenham, TX 77833 (979)836-2822

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Cheng, Clint C., MD

    Practice ID:01634074 Spanish

    110 Highway 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Leubner, Kristel D.,


    Practice ID:01634258 Spanish

    110 Hwy 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Locke, Catherine S.,


    Practice ID:01635468 Spanish

    110 Highway 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Mcdonald, Kelly C.,


    Practice ID:02342507 110 Highway 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    Female Morgan, Garth R., MD

    Practice ID:01634264 Spanish

    110 Hwy 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Nguyen, Manhhai H.,


    Practice ID:01635401 Spanish

    110 Highway 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Parsi, Kia E., MD

    Practice ID:01634298 Spanish

    110 Hwy 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm


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    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia


    Primary C

    are ProvidersProveedores de cuidado prim

    ario Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidadoprimario

    Powell, Shanti I., MD

    Practice ID:01635329 Spanish

    110 Highway 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Rameden, Theresa A.,


    Practice ID:01657924 Spanish

    110 Highway 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Ramirez, Steve, MD

    Practice ID:01430590 Spanish

    110 Highway 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Rosiles, Joseph R.,


    Practice ID:01635165 Spanish

    110 Highway 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Simons, Nathan T.,


    Practice ID:01349208 Spanish

    601 Medical Pkwy Ste

    D Brenham, TX 77833 (979)836-2822

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Suarez, Elizabeth, MD

    Practice ID:01891394 Spanish

    110 Hwy 290 W

    Brenham, TX 77833 (979)830-5584


    Workman, Gregg A.,


    Practice ID:10007878 Spanish

    601 Medical Pkwy Ste

    D Brenham, TX 77833 (979)836-2822

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Cleveland Goin, Joseph E., MD

    Practice ID:10036277 Spanish, French 108 S William Barnett AveCleveland, TX 77327 (281)592-9775

    M,W-F, 8am-5pm

    Tu, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:10036277 Spanish, French 300 E Houston Ste ACleveland, TX 77327 (281)592-9775

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:10036277 Spanish, French 300 E Houston Ste BCleveland, TX 77327 (281)592-9775

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Kreit, Camil I., MD

    Practice ID:10035319 Spanish, Arabic 403 E Dallas St Cleveland,TX 77327 (281)659-9533 **

    M-F, 8:30am-5pm

    Male Arab Kreit, Mark M., MD

    Practice ID:10021891 Spanish, French,

    Arabic 212 N College Ave

    Cleveland, TX 77327 (281)592-2426

    M-F, 7:30am-5pm


    Spradlin, James R.,


    Practice ID:01420209 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 5

    And Over 403 E Dallas St Cleveland, TX 77327 (281)659-9533

    M-F, 10am-5pm

    Male Caucasian Williams, Balmore W.,


    Practice ID:10027256 Spanish

    309 E Crockett St Ste A Cleveland, TX 77327 (281)592-2656

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Black

    Coldspring Le, Tri M., MD

    Practice ID:05121501 Spanish, Vietnamese 21 Alpine St

    Coldspring, TX 77331


    M-Sa, 8am-5pm


    Columbus Bohuslav, Gregory R.,


    Practice ID:06506119 2122 Highway 71 S Ste

    101 Columbus, TX 78934 (979)732-2318

    M,W-F, 8:20am-4:40pm

    Tu, 8:20am-12pm



    Al-Khudhair, Marwan

    M., MD

    Practice ID:01790616 Spanish

    605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304 (936)539-4004

    M-F, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm

    Male Davis, Kenneth G., MD

    Practice ID:01884485 605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304(936)539-4004

    M-F, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm

    Male Ede, Lawrence E., DO

    Practice ID:10282192 605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304(936)539-4004

    M-F, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm

    Male Ferry, Pamela G., MD

    Practice ID:02066707 Spanish

    605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304 (936)539-4004

    M-F, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm

    Female Hyde, Linda C., MD

    Practice ID:10031058 100 Medical Center Blvd Ste 214 Conroe, TX77304 (936)788-7745 **

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female White (Non-Hispanic) Ibrahim, Adel A., MD

    Practice ID:01343801 Spanish

    605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304 (936)539-4004


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    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario

    Joshi, Lata, MD

    Practice ID:10008391 Spanish

    704 Old Montgomery

    Rd Conroe, TX 77301 (936)539-4004

    M-F, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm

    Female Norris, Kim S., MD

    Practice ID:01329589 Spanish

    605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304 (936)523-2440

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Pieniazek, Jack, DO

    Practice ID:01350336 Treats Patients Ages 2

    And Over 690 S Loop 336 W Ste

    222 Conroe, TX 77304 (936)756-6661

    M, 8:30am-5pm

    Tu-Th, 8am-5pm

    F, 8:30am-3pm

    Male Porter, Daniel M., MD Practice ID:01332936 Spanish

    605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304 (936)539-4004

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Santos, Jonathan I.,


    Practice ID:01889104 Spanish

    605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304 (936)539-4004

    M-F, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm


    Singleton, Reid D., MD

    Practice ID:04871190 605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304(936)539-4004

    M-W,F, 8am-9pm

    Th, 8am-9am Sa, 9am-1pm

    Male Stanton, Ranae M.,


    Practice ID:02538708 Spanish

    605 S Conroe Medical Dr Conroe, TX 77304 (936)539-4004

    M-F, 8am-9pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm


    Cypress Boctor, Sheriev Y. Practice ID:04896085 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 3

    And Over 21212 Northwest Fwy

    Ste 425B Cypress, TX 77429

    (832)756-2976 ** M,Tu, 8:30am-5pm

    W-F, 8:30am-12pm

    Male Graham, Monique E.,


    Practice ID:06403457 27700 Highway 290 Ste

    100 Cypress, TX 77433


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Grewal, Ranjit S., MD

    Practice ID:05259582 Treats Patients Ages 5

    And Over 21216 Northwest Fwy

    Ste 260 Cypress, TX 77429


    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Kim, Minjoo, DO

    Practice ID:08037962 27700 Highway 290 Ste

    100 Cypress, TX 77433


    Female Latimer, Patrice F.,


    Practice ID:10283305 27700 Nw Freeway Ste

    180 Cypress, TX 77433


    Female Black Moscoso-Donoso,

    Wilson R., MD

    Practice ID:03784341 Spanish

    27700 Highway 290 Ste

    100 Cypress, TX 77433


    M-Su, 9am-9pm

    Male Hispanic Nguyen, Vincent, PA

    Practice ID:06633025 27700 Nw Freeway Ste

    180 Cypress, TX 77433


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Nolen, Eric D., MD

    Practice ID:06633022 27700 Nw Freeway Ste

    180 Cypress, TX 77433


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Odumosu, Olutoni O.,


    Practice ID:02619519 Yoruba, French 27700 Hwy 290 Ste

    100 Cypress, TX 77433


    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Pham, Cynthia A., DO

    Practice ID:05473612 Vietnamese 7160 Barker Cypress

    Rd Ste A Cypress, TX 77433


    Female Vietnamese Romero, Karen J., DO

    Practice ID:04417068 14502 Spring Cypress

    Rd Ste 500 Cypress, TX 77429


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Tadros, Magdy K., MD

    Practice ID:10019583 Spanish, Arabic Treats Patients Ages 1

    And Over 21212 Northwest Fwy

    Ste 505 Cypress, TX 77429


    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male White (Non-Hispanic) Thandi, Amrit, MD

    Practice ID:01052733 Hindi, Spanish, Urdu,


    21212 Northwest Fwy

    Ste 265 Cypress, TX 77429


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm


    Deer Park Ignatius, Jasmin A.,


    Practice ID:10457466 Spanish

    3430 Center St Deer Park, TX 77536 (832)548-5000

    M-F, 9am-5pm


  • 21

    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia


    Primary C

    are ProvidersProveedores de cuidado prim

    ario Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidadoprimario

    Jabeen, Sameera, MD

    Practice ID:10457849 3430 Center St Deer Park, TX 77536(832)548-5000

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Dickinson Arceneaux,

    Cassandra N., MD

    Practice ID:10047491 Spanish

    2401 Fm 646 Rd W Dickinson, TX 77539 (281)614-1256

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Azhar, Syed S., MD

    Practice ID:10028247 2401 Fm 646 Rd W Dickinson, TX 77539(281)614-1256

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Asian Or Pacific Islander Cass, Alvah R., MD

    Practice ID:10075679 2401 Fm 646 Rd W Dickinson, TX 77539(281)614-1256

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Guzman, Taylor, PA

    Practice ID:10542058 2401 W Fm 646 Ste C Dickinson, TX 77539(281)614-1256 Khan, Madiha A., MD

    Practice ID:03137890 2401 Fm 646 Rd W Dickinson, TX 77539(281)614-1256

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Raley, Jennifer, MD

    Practice ID:01287991 2401 Fm 646 Rd W Dickinson, TX 77539(281)614-1256

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Welch, Karen S., MD

    Practice ID:03137888 2401 Fm 646 Rd W Dickinson, TX 77539(281)614-1256

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    El Campo Baccam, Tom N., DO

    Practice ID:09814126 Spanish, Thai 305 Sandy Corner Rd

    El Campo, TX 77437


    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Dorotik, Brooke A.,


    Practice ID:03423917 Spanish

    305 Sandy Corner Rd

    El Campo, TX 77437


    M-F, 8:30am-5pm

    Sa, 9am-12pm

    Female Practice ID:03423917 Spanish

    3703 Fm 2765 Rd Ste B El Campo, TX 77437


    M-F, 8am-5pm


    Flatonia Borgstedte, Thomas

    O., MD

    Practice ID:01265076 Spanish

    230 W North Main St Flatonia, TX 78941 (361)865-3302 **

    Male Mcbroom, William M.,


    Practice ID:01159921 Spanish

    230 W North Main St Flatonia, TX 78941 (361)865-3302 **

    M-F, 8am-5pm


    Friendswood Hopkins, Victoria R.,


    Practice ID:07287158 Spanish

    1305 W Parkwood Ave Ste 101 Friendswood, TX 77546(281)648-4800

    M-Su, 10am-8pm

    Female Jinnah, Amina P., MD

    Practice ID:02881844 1505 Winding Way Dr

    Ste 112 Friendswood, TX 77546 (281)993-3860

    M-Su, 9am-9pm

    Female Lee, William O., MD

    Practice ID:01331754 Spanish

    4 Oaktree St Friendswood, TX 77546 (281)482-5551

    M-F, 8:30am-6:30pm

    Sa, 9am-12:30pm

    Male Rodriguez, Jose A.,


    Practice ID:01641710 128 W Parkwood Ave Friendswood, TX 77546(281)482-5695

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Shah, Priya J., MD

    Practice ID:07550894 128 W Parkwood Friendswood, TX 77546(281)482-5695

    Female Tran, Kim T., MD

    Practice ID:05395843 Vietnamese 1650B E Winding Way

    Dr Ste 100 Friendswood, TX 77546 (281)996-7788


    Galena Park Do, Victoria T., MD

    Practice ID:05550339 Spanish, Sign


    Cambodian, Bulgarian,

    Vietnamese, Arabic,

    Armenian 2124 Clinton Dr Galena Park, TX 77547 (713)671-3367

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Asian Or Pacific Islander

    Galveston Alhassan, Abdul-Aziz,


    Practice ID:10007324 Spanish

    4700 Broadway St Ste

    F100 Galveston, TX 77551 (409)763-7200

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Black Practice ID:10007324 Spanish

    4700 Broadway Ste

    F100 Galveston, TX 77550 (409)978-4427

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Black Allen, Michael J., MD

    Practice ID:07550897 400 Harborside Dr Ste 104 Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2166

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Arceneaux,

    Cassandra N., MD

    Practice ID:10047491 Spanish

    301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (281)614-1256

    M-F, 8am-5pm


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    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario

    Azhar, Syed S., MD

    Practice ID:10028247 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-1501

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Asian Or Pacific Islander Cass, Alvah R., MD

    Practice ID:10075679 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Elliott, Tricia C., MD

    Practice ID:01784929 Treats Patients Ages 3

    And Under 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-1501

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01784929 Treats Patients Ages 3

    And Under 400 Harborside Dr Galveston, TX 77555(409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Elsaid, Saleh S., MD

    Practice ID:01423610 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:01423610 400 Harborside Dr Ste 104 Galveston,TX 77555 (409)772-2166

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:01423610 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston, TX77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Guzman, Taylor, PA

    Practice ID:10542058 400 Harborside Dr Ste 103 Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-3695 Practice ID:10542058 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100Galveston, TX 77551 (409)744-4030 Hussein, Hanan, MD

    Practice ID:01172738 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-2166

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01172738 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston,TX 77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Jana, Kyu K., MD

    Practice ID:01679682 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-1501

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01679682 400 Harborside Dr Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01679682 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston,TX 77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Khan, Madiha A., MD

    Practice ID:03137890 400 Harborside Dr Ste 104 Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2166

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Limar, Falanda M., DO

    Practice ID:03522699 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Mckee, Juliet M., MD

    Practice ID:10078102 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-1501

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:10078102 400 Harborside Dr Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:10078102 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston,TX 77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Mouton, Charles P.,


    Practice ID:05544975 Spanish

    400 Harborside Dr. Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-2166

    Male O'donell, Aice A., MD

    Practice ID:10043841 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-1501

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:10043841 400 Harborside Dr Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Porterfield, Laura R.,


    Practice ID:02074478 400 Harborside Dr Ste 104 Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2166

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:02074478 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston,TX 77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Raley, Jennifer, MD

    Practice ID:01287991 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-1501

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01287991 400 Harborside Dr Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01287991 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston,TX 77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Rao, Shobha S., MD

    Practice ID:03124696 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Under 400 Harborside Dr Ste 107 Galveston, TX 77555(409)747-1883

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Ripsin, Cynthia M.,


    Practice ID:06697292 4700 Broadway St Ste

    F100 Galveston, TX 77551 (409)938-2234


  • 23

    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia


    Primary C

    are ProvidersProveedores de cuidado prim

    ario Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidadoprimario

    Rogers, Anthony S.,


    Practice ID:02821815 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Sierpina, Victor S., MD

    Practice ID:10075689 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-1501

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:10075689 400 Harborside Dr Galveston, TX 77555(409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:10075689 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston, TX77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Thompson, Barbara

    L., MD

    Practice ID:01395454 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-1501

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01395454 400 Harborside Dr Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:01395454 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston,TX 77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Veselka, James E.,


    Practice ID:02821990 301 University Blvd

    Galveston, TX 77555 (409)772-2222

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Welch, Karen S., MD

    Practice ID:03137888 400 Harborside Dr Ste 104 Galveston, TX77555 (409)772-2166

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:03137888 6710 Stewart Rd Ste 100 Galveston,TX 77551 (409)744-4030

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Hallettsville Heck, Morgan W., MD

    Practice ID:07719653 1400 N Texana St Hallettsville, TX 77964(361)798-3671

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Practice ID:07721342 1406 N Texana St Hallettsville, TX77964 (361)798-3671

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Ibanga, Will, MD

    Practice ID:09284404 1406 N Texana St Hallettsville, TX 77964(361)798-1200

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Kraemer, Susan L.,


    Practice ID:03100198 Spanish

    1406 N Texana St Hallettsville, TX 77964 (361)798-3671

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Caucasian

    Wilkinson, Maurice G.,


    Practice ID:03423923 Spanish, German,

    Czech 1406 N Texana St Hallettsville, TX 77964 (361)798-3671

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Highlands Tinker, Arlene G., MD

    Practice ID:01684737 Spanish

    610 S Main St Highlands, TX 77562


    M-F, 8am-5pm


    Houston Abdelmelek, Lourice

    K., MD

    Practice ID:01698100 Spanish, Arabic 5420 Dashwood Dr Ste 100Houston, TX 77081 (713)486-2900

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female White (Non-Hispanic) Abid, Humaira, MD

    Practice ID:09805195 550 Greens Pkwy Ste

    150 Houston, TX 77067 (713)486-5601

    Female Aboughali, Wael A.,


    Practice ID:10042531 Spanish, Arabic 5656 Kelley St

    Houston, TX 77026 (713)566-4463

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:10042531 Spanish, Arabic 6410 Fannin St Ste 250Houston, TX 77030 (832)325-6500

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Abrahim, Alber R., MD

    Practice ID:10022864 Spanish, Russian,

    Armenian, Arabic 12880 Beamer Rd Ste D Houston, TX 77089(281)481-9595

    M-F, 9am-8pm

    Sa,Su, 10am-4pm

    Male White (Non-Hispanic) Afzal, Haider, MD

    Practice ID:06864531 Spanish

    10021 Main St Ste B3 Houston, TX 77025 (713)668-1166

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:06864531 Spanish

    15119 Wallisville Rd Ste 700 Houston, TX 77049 (832)538-0243

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Afzal, Syed M., MD

    Practice ID:06778708 15119 Wallisville Rd Ste 700 Houston, TX77049 (832)538-0243

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Aggarwal, Anjali, MD

    Practice ID:01813629 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Over 6630 De Moss Dr Houston, TX 77074 (713)272-2600

    M-F, 9am-5pm


  • 24

    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia





    e Pr






    de c


    do p



    Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidado primario

    Agoh, Emmanuel U.,


    Practice ID:01780223 Spanish

    8109 Cullen Blvd Ste E Houston, TX 77051 (713)734-1697

    M, 10am-5pm

    Tu,Th,F, 10am-5:30pm

    W, 10am-12pm

    Sa, 9am-12pm

    Male Aguirre, Jose W., MD

    Practice ID:06837136 837 Cypress Creek

    Pkwy Ste 105

    Houston, TX 77090 (281)586-3888

    Male Aguoru, Okezie S., MD

    Practice ID:03081640 2626 S Loop W Ste 204

    Houston, TX 77054 (713)796-9500

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Ahmed, Meer R., MD

    Practice ID:05211966 Spanish, Arabic 9000 Southwest Fwy

    Ste 170 Houston, TX 77074 (713)271-7533

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Akhtar, Adeeba K.,


    Practice ID:01065763 Hindi, Spanish,

    Arabic, Urdu,

    Philippine (Other),


    Treats Patients Ages 16

    And Over 12121 Richmond Ave Ste 226 Houston, TX 77082(713)468-2358

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Asian Or Pacific Islander

    Akintokunbo, Edith F.,


    Practice ID:04681461 3601 N Macgregor Way

    Houston, TX 77004 (713)873-4895

    Female Al Mutair, Aymer M.,


    Practice ID:02770508 Arabic Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Over 6630 De Moss Dr Houston, TX 77074 (713)272-2600

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Alalawi, Abbas H., MD

    Practice ID:02770501 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Over 7550 Office City Dr

    Houston, TX 77012 (713)495-3700

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Alattar, Shakir M., MD

    Practice ID:02774548 9105 N Wayside

    Houston, TX 77030 (713)633-2020

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male Caucasian Alhassan, Abdul-Aziz,


    Practice ID:10007323 Spanish

    10039 Bissonnet St Ste 300 Houston, TX 77036 (713)771-5572

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Black Altman, Michael A.,


    Practice ID:10006797 6410 Fannin St Ste 1020 Houston, TX 77030(832)325-6500

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male White (Non-Hispanic)

    Practice ID:10006797 6410 Fannin St Ste 170 Houston, TX 77030(832)325-6500

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Male White (Non-Hispanic) Alvera Cruz, Anita A.,


    Practice ID:01664592 Spanish

    1740 W 27th St Ste 321 Houston, TX 77008 (713)965-6444

    M,Tu, 8:30am-5pm

    W, 8:30am-2pm

    Th, 8:30am-6pm

    F, 8:30am-4pm

    Female Practice ID:01664592 Spanish

    19255 Park Row Ste 106 Houston, TX 77084 (773)965-6444

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Amado Medina,

    Sandra M., MD

    Practice ID:04497328 Spanish

    6710 Capitol St

    Houston, TX 77011 (713)921-7176

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Hispanic Practice ID:04497328 Spanish

    720 E Tidwell Rd Houston, TX 77022 (713)691-0035

    M-F, 8am-12pm

    M-F, 12pm-5pm

    Female Hispanic

    Andino, Cesar A., MD

    Practice ID:10032033 Spanish

    7789 Sw Fwy Ste 125

    Houston, TX 77074 (713)777-1435

    M-W,F, 8:30am-5pm

    Th, 8:30am-1pm

    Sa, 8:30am-1:30pm

    Male Hispanic Antoine-Taylor,

    Mercella P., MD

    Practice ID:01162526 3601 N Macgregor Way

    Houston, TX 77004 (713)873-4700

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Aquino, Pedro J., MD

    Practice ID:01434346 5656 Kelley St Ste

    112A Houston, TX 77026 (713)566-4635

    Male Aramayo, Willy L., MD

    Practice ID:10014898 Spanish

    509 W Tidwell Road Ste 150 Houston, TX 77091 (713)691-1183

    M-F, 9:30am-7pm

    Male Hispanic Ataei, Homayoun, MD

    Practice ID:09774780 Spanish, Persian Treats Patients Ages18

    And Over 7550 Office City Dr

    Houston, TX 77012 (713)495-3700

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Practice ID:02671021 Spanish, Persian Treats Patients Ages6

    And Over 9701 Richmond Ave Ste 250 Houston, TX 77042(713)523-6700

    M-F, 8am-5pm


  • 25

    Family Medicine / Medicina De Familia


    Primary C

    are ProvidersProveedores de cuidado prim

    ario Primary Care Providers / Proveedores de cuidadoprimario

    Atai, Faith D., MD

    Practice ID:01784840 6400 Bissonnet St Houston, TX 77074(713)873-6830

    Female Atkinson, Jonnae O.,


    Practice ID:01257272 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Over 3601 N Macgregor Way

    Houston, TX 77004 (713)873-4700

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Female Atwal, Diana T., MD

    Practice ID:10069047 Treats Patients Ages 18

    And Over 6630 De Moss Dr Houston, TX 77074 (713)272-2600

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Awa, Chinyere N., MD

    Practice ID:10458097 6300 Westpark Dr Ste

    212 Houston, TX 77057 (713)541-4442

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Black Ayala Hadzisabic, Eva

    E., DO

    Practice ID:06821915 Spanish

    3525 W Holcombe Blvd Fl 1 Houston, TX 77025 (713)814-2800

    Female Babh, Jeannie, DO

    Practice ID:10457419 Vietnamese 1415 California St Houston, TX77006 (832)548-5000

    M-F, 9am-5pm


    Bagha, Daljit K., MD

    Practice ID:09891320 Spanish, Hindi,

    Punjabi, Urdu Treats Patients Ages 12

    And Over 837 Cypress Creek

    Pkwy Ste 105

    Houston, TX 77090 (281)586-3888

    M-F, 8am-5pm

    Sa, 8am-1pm

    Female Asian Indian Bai, Kristy Y., MD

    Practice ID:01654843 11452 Space Center

    Blvd Houston, TX 77059 (713)486-6200

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Female Baig, Imran, MD

    Practice ID:10044420 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 17

    And Over 13018 Woodforest Blvd Ste B Houston, TX 77015(713)453-4600

    Male Practice ID:10044420 Spanish

    Treats Patients Ages 17

    And Over 6860 Hwy 6 N

    Houston, TX 77084 (281)550-8181

    M, 8am-5pm

    Tu-F, 9am-5pm

    Sa, 9am-1pm

    Male Bakht, Farid R., MD

    Practice ID:01470030 Arabic 2450 Fondren Rd Ste 125 Houston, TX77063 (713)782-6300 **

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male White (Non-Hispanic)

    Balla, Justin D., MD

    Practice ID:01373813 5656 Kelley St

    4P0300129 Houston, TX 77026 (713)566-4463

    M-F, 9am-5pm

    Male Bandi, Srijaya, MD

    Practice ID:09751297 837 Cypress

Provider Directory Directorio de proveedores · 2020. 9. 4. · Amerigroup Texas, Inc. Provider Directory Directorio de proveedores. Harris Service Area Zona de servicio de Harris - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.