Standard Muffin Recipe - The Wholesome Dish (2024)

Standard Muffin Recipe – A plain muffin batter is added to a muffin tin, then you can add your favorite flavors (fruit, nuts, chocolate, etc.) to each muffin. Great for kids and guests because everyone gets to choose the type of muffin they want.

Standard Muffin Recipe - The Wholesome Dish (1)

About a year ago, I noticed severalrecipes trending on Pinterest involving pancake batter and muffin tins. Some people called them puffins, some people called them individual baked pancakes. The generalidea was totake pancake batter and pour it into a muffin tin, then top the batter with your favorite flavors (fruits, nuts, chocolate chips, oats, etc.) and bake it. I thought it was a great idea, so I tried it. Unfortunately, I didn’t really like it. The thing about pancake batter is,it’s not very good on its own. That’s probably why most people douse their pancakes in lots of maple syrup. Even when I added syrup to the baked pancakes, or whatever you want to call them, they still weren’t my favorite.

But, I still really liked the idea of being able to use a bunch of different flavors/toppings to add to one standardbatter. The batter just needed to taste better.So why not use the muffin tin for it’s actual purpose, making muffins!Muffin batter is lighter and sweeter; and you can still add all of your favorite additional ingredients to it.

This is great forhouse guests, kids, and picky eaters because everyone can choose theirfavorite flavor of muffin to make. It’s also a great way to get creative in the kitchen. I tried a lot of different flavor combinations and some of the ones that sounded a little strange ended up being great, like dried cranberry and sweetened coconut.

Standard Muffin Recipe - The Wholesome Dish (2)All you do is follow the standard muffin recipe below, fill a muffin tin with the batter, and top with your favorite muffin flavors/additions.Use a toothpick to push the additional ingredients down into the batter and swirl them around a bit. This way the additional ingredients are spread throughout the muffin and don’t just sit on top of it, as you can see in the blueberry muffin pictured on the right. Then, just bake and cool the muffinslike any other muffin recipe. Standard Muffin Recipe - The Wholesome Dish (3)The amount of additional ingredients you add is up to you, if you like lots of chocolate chips in your muffins, then add lots of chocolate chips. I ended up using about a tablespoon of each additional ingredient.

I experimented with lots of different flavor additions for this standard muffin recipe. Here are a few that I tried: blueberry (pictured on the right), banana nut, chocolate chip, dried cranberry & sweetened coconut, mango & sweetened coconut, Peanut butter & jelly, and brown sugar & oats.

Standard Muffin Recipe - The Wholesome Dish (4)

Standard Muffin Recipe - The Wholesome Dish (5)This brown sugar and oats muffinwas another one of my favorites. The brown sugar addition really sweetened it up.

I do have a suggestion for your flavor additions. If you are adding an ingredient that is not very sweet, like blueberries, you may want to roll that ingredient around in a little sugar before you add it to the batter.

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Standard Muffin Recipe - The Wholesome Dish (6)

4.95 from 50 votes

Standard Muffin Recipe - A plain muffin batter is added to a muffin tin, then you can add your favorite flavors (fruit, nuts, chocolate, etc.) to each muffin. Great for kids and guests because everyone gets to choose the type of muffin they want.

Prep Time 10 minutes minutes

Cook Time 20 minutes minutes

Total Time 30 minutes minutes


Servings 13 muffins

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  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 tbsp. baking powder
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup skim milk, or your preferred milk/milk alternative
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 large egg
  • ¼ cup canola or vegetable oil
  • cooking spray


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place muffin liners in a muffin tin and spray with cooking spray.

  • In a large bowl, add the flour, baking powder, and salt. Stir to combine.

  • In another bowl, add the sugar, milk, vanilla, egg, and oil. Whisk to combine.

  • Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients. Stir until just combined; batter should be lumpy. Do not over mix.

  • Fill the muffin liners ¾ of the way up.

  • Add your favorite muffin flavors/additions (fruit, nuts, chocolate chips, oats, etc.). Take a toothpick and push the additional ingredients down into the batter and swirl them around a little.

  • Bake for 20 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes before serving.


If you are going to use a muffin addition that is not very sweet, like blueberries, it would be a good idea to roll that ingredient around in a little bit of sugar before you add it to the muffin batter.

The baking powder will start to react as soon as the wet ingredients are added to the dry ingredients. So, it's a good idea to have all of your additional ingredients prepared (ie. fruit peeled and chopped) before the batter is made.


Serving: 1muffin | Calories: 152kcal | Carbohydrates: 23.7g | Protein: 3.1g | Fat: 4.9g | Saturated Fat: 0.5g | Fiber: 0.5g

Course Bread/Muffin, Breakfast, brunch

Keyword basic muffin recipe, muffins, standard muffin recipe

Cuisine American

Author Amanda Finks

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Standard Muffin Recipe - The Wholesome Dish (2024)


What is the secret to making moist muffins? ›

How to Make Homemade Muffins Moist: Our Top Tips
  1. Tips to Make Homemade Muffins Moist.
  2. Keep Wet and Dry Ingredients Separately.
  3. Add All Flavorings Last.
  4. Consider Paper Liners.
  5. Don't Overfill the Muffin Cups.
  6. Check the Temperature of Your Oven.
  7. Test if Muffins Are Fully Cooked.
  8. Top Your Muffins with Flavor.
Aug 9, 2021

What is the general ratio of flour to water in a muffin? ›

The magic ratio for muffins in 2:2:1:1. This means 2 parts flour to 2 parts liquid to 1 part fat to 1 part eggs. The really important part is remembering to use the same unit of weight for each part!

What ingredient may she have forgotten to add to her muffins that would have caused them not to rise? ›

The baker had forgotten to add baking powder. Baking powder is a mixture of baking soda (sodium hydrogencarbonate) and a mild edible acid such as tartaric acid.

What is the muffin method step by step? ›

  1. Place all the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl. Combine all liquids in a separate bowl. ...
  2. Fill greased or paper-lined cupcake pans all the way to the top. Bake 25 minutes. ...
  3. For longer storage, freeze muffins for up to 3 months.

What does adding an extra egg do to muffins? ›

If there isn't enough egg, your batter or dough may not be able to hold its structure or could end up overly dry or dense. On the other hand, if there is too much egg, your baked goods could lose their shape due to excess liquid, or have a rubbery (or even overly cakey) texture depending on the recipe.

Is it better to use oil or butter in muffins? ›

Using oil as a substitute for butter in muffins can result in a lighter and more tender crumb, but it may also produce a slightly different flavor, depending on the type of oil used. Applesauce can also be used as a substitute for butter in muffins, as it provides moisture and can help to keep the muffins tender.

What not to do when making muffins? ›

Here are some common mistakes that might be causing this:
  1. Over mixing the batter.
  2. Overfilling the muffin tray.
  3. Leaving the muffins in the pan after they have baked.
  4. Berries, nuts, and chocolate chips sink to the bottom.
Mar 12, 2019

What is the formula for muffins? ›

A basic formula for muffins is 2 cups flour, 2-4 tablespoons sugar, 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 egg, 1/4 cup oil, shortening or butter, 1 cup milk. When the fat, sugar and egg ratio in a recipe reaches double or more than this, you have reached the cake level.

What temperature do you bake muffins at? ›

That being said, the standard oven temperature for baking desserts like quick breads and muffins is commonly set to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Setting your oven to this temperature will almost always produce a well-cooked muffin recipe.

What happens if you put water in muffin mix instead of milk? ›

Though you may notice a slight difference in texture, you can definitely substitute water for milk when preparing our muffin mixes!

What is the most common flaw when baking muffins? ›

Overmixing is a common problem with muffins. First combine dry ingredients, mixing well. Then combine liquid ingredients, mixing well. Finally combine dry and wet ingredients, by hand, using only 15 to 20 light strokes.

Why do blueberry muffins make me sick? ›

Mild reactions to blueberry allergies include stomachache, diarrhea, vomiting, or mild rashes after ingesting a moderately large quantity of blueberries. The body's inability to digest blueberries is the reason for stomachache.

What are the three steps of baking? ›

In general, there are three major stages in the baking process: expansion of the dough, drying of the surface, and crust browning. These can be subdivided into the following stages (in the order of temperature increase): Formation and expansion of gases (oven spring).

What are the 3 ways of mixing a dough elaborate each? ›

Three Basic Methods For Mixing Dough:
  • Straight Dough Method. The straight dough mixing method is the simplest mixing method of all. ...
  • Modified Straight Dough Method or Modified Mixing. The modified mixing method is basically for rich sweet dough. ...
  • Sponge Method.
Jun 22, 2017

What is the most important part of the muffin method? ›

- The most important part is properly mixing the dry and liquid ingredients. - Muffin method requires the use of liquid fat. (oil, melted butter, etc.) - It is important not to over mix the batter.


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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.